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It was a typical Friday. I had just come out of school and I was waiting for my older sister to come pick me up from school. I normally had practice on Friday but today my coach cut practice short and we had a meeting instead. Since my week had been so rough I decided not to hang out with my friends and head straight home. My sister said she was on her way and I was getting kind of anxouis because it was getting dark and the last of the people were leaving. I was the only one left in the school parking lot aside from the young freshman waiting on I assume her mother. I quietly thinking to my self about how maybe if I had practice and studied harder on my driving test maybe I would’ve passed and not be out here standing with a freshman. As I was getting more and more upset I notice that now I am completely alone. I normally don’t get scared but for some reason there was an eerie vibe I was getting from being all by myself…when out of nowhere I suddenly hear a horrific scream for help and as quickly as it happened it was gone…

I was left there with no one in sight waiting for my sister to take me in the safety of my home. I look down on my phone to call her to hurry up but I had no service and not only that but I was also had 10% battery life left. I was shaken, I didn’t know what to do anymore. Thoughts came running through my head. What is going on? Who was that screaming? I decide that the only choice I have is to call someone for help but that meant I had to walk around in order to get service, that also meant that I had to hurry up because I was losing battery.


As I took my first steps I notice that the freshmen’s back bag was still there… that’s odd I thought that she had left a while back…again, my thoughts were going everywhere but I had to stay focused.


I feel like everywhere I go I still can’t find service. I was getting deviating from where I once stood. I was scared…


Her shoe… something happened to her… I can feel him staring at me. I feel like I am being followed, I look around but I see no one. That was until now. He was standing right in front of me, waving. Bright red hear, white face, red nose, orange jumpsuit, big blue buttons, red shoes and… blood EVERWHERE.


I stood there. I was frozen in place. “RUN” I heard someone say and I did!


I ran as fast as I could. I can no longer feel my lungs, and as if I couldn’t be anymore unlucky I fall with a loud thump. I turn around to see where he is at but I see nothing. I can however hear a girl screaming begging for help.


I know I am going to regret this but I have to turn back. If I was watching me of TV I would’ve yelled at me, saying NO, DON’T GO BACK, ARE YOU STUPID!!! But I had to go back she had helped me and we were going to die we had to see if I could save both of us.


I see him on top of her about to end her life and I hit him as hard as I can with a branch that I found next to me. That was all the distraction it took for the girl to jump up and run, and I do the same. But again I’m not so lucky cause he reaches over and grabs me by my hair and yanks me back. I feel a cold sharp pain and I know he got me. He lets go of me and leaves me to go find the other girl. But before he leaves he stabs me once more to make sure I stay down.


Blood is all over me and I can hardly move. I can see that the girl didn’t get far and I know now that she is gone.

1% 3G

I reach for my phone. Its as if the universe is mocking me. Blood is all over my phone making it hard to dial but I manage to call 911 but as soon as I say hello phone turns off saying that I need to charge it. I feel the defeat hit me and my heart sinks. I know that I am not going to make it.


I lay there taking my final breathes of air when I see my sister’s car. I try yelling out for her I know she wont be able to hear me from all the way over here. I try to get up but I can’t… I can barely see anymore, all I see are black and white spots… the last thing that I see is my sister getting out of the car…

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