On the Prowl

As a way to engage students with the newspaper, we asked thought provoking questions and recorded the answers. The questions were: If karma were coming back to you, would it help you or harm you? Also, what is the difference between living and existing? These are the recorded answers.
If karma were coming back to you, would it help you or harm you?
Somer Caulder, 10th grade- "Both because I've done good for people that didn't deserve it and bad to people that didn't deserve it."
David Preti, 11th grade- "Help because I be helping mad people out."
Lizzie Holleman, 10th grade- "Harm me, because I've made some bad decisions."
Charisma Deberry, 11th grade- "Karma would hurt me because I don't believe in good karma."
Jordan Bell, 12th grade- "Harm me because I'm not always nice to people like I should be."
What is the difference between existing and living?
Dalton Little, 9th grade- "Living is to make a difference in society but living is not making a difference at all."
William Carson, 10th grade- "Living is enjoying existence."
Mikala Clapp, 9th grade- "Existing is when you're not fully doing things with your life. Living is doing things with your life and enjoying the life you live."
Hunter Fleming, 11th grade- "Living is living but existing is just living life without a dream."
Justice Baldwin, 12th grade- "Existing is day to day but living is making something out of your life."