What is Veganism?
Veganism is the abstention from consuming or using animal products or animal-deriving products. There are several different reasons why one might go vegan. Some go for the animals, some go for your personal health, for the environment, or a combination of the three. For some, the emotional attachment to animals is enough for them to not want them to suffer. For others, it is simply that they believe all sentient beings have a right to life. Not only will you be eating cruelty-free, you will experience health benefits. A balanced vegan diet results in increased energy and better skin. Vegans are less likely to have heart trouble and contract weight related diseases.
Something I think that most people are unaware of is how bad the meat and dairy industry is for the environment. The grain needed to feed the animals alone is a significant contributor to deforestation, habitat loss, and species extinction. The land necessary to grow crops for the animals and to house the animals is contributing to world malnutrition by driving impoverished nations to grow crops to feed animals, rather than feed their own population. Veganism is becoming increasingly mainstream, which means it is easier than ever to be vegan and find vegan options. Although vegans do get a bad rep for being the kind of people that shove their beliefs down your throat, we all are not like that. However, I do not blame the ones that do. It is extremely frustrating to try and share your beliefs and what you’re passionate about with someone and listen to them brush it off or call it stupid. This cause is worth it. Do it for the animals, do it for the planet, and do it for yourself.
Things to watch: Cowspiracy, Forks and Knives, Earthlings, Foood Inc.