Wacky Tacky Day
Last week , of course, was homecoming spirit week for The one and only Eastern Guilford Wildcats. Many students participated in this day, and the way they dressed portrayed their personalities to the T. Some were more conservative than others with how ridiculous they wanted to look. The others of course we had some that went ALL OUT, for example Cemeré Pettys, class of 2017 senior and Homecoming Queen, outfit for Wacky Tacky day portrayed her personality in so many different ways that I cant explain. On a daily basis, she shows her personality in different aspects to different people. Which is why shes liked so much throughout the school.

Eastern Guilford is full, of good-hearted people. 95% of the time we act like one BIG HAPPY FAMILY! We su
pport one another through good and hard times and it makes us all the more closer and a family and forever as a WILDCAT!!