The history behind Black History Month
Black History Month was created in 1926 in the United States. A historian named Carter G. Woodson proclaimed the second week of February to be “Negro History Week” along with Association for the Study of Negro Life and History and it just went from there. Woodson founded this organization in 1915 because he was devoted to giving
knowledge to people about the accomplishments and potential of black people in a way that would help everyone.

The main purpose of the month was to educate and create unity. It was not made to show any bias opinions to one race or culture. Woodson just wanted to let everyone know that the end of segregation was a good thing and why everybody should be treated equally.
During Black History Month we participate in things that have to deal with African-Americans. For example, while in school, students may learn more about some of the accomplishments the African-American culture has had. Also you can start to find more movies on television that have to deal with history of black people. Many colleges participate in this month by having different events for the students and the community. Right here in our community,
Elon University have many different events that they welcome us to be a part of such as the “let us breathe” art show. This was held on the 5th at 7:30. According to Elon’s website, the event was “An artistic showcase to create an environment for self-expression that will Let Us Breathe like never before. During this event, we are going to focus on social justice for the Black community so that we can take a stand is by using our voices, our talents, and our art to speak on these issues.”
On the 11th, Durham will be having an “African-American story telling session” which will be held at Leigh Farm Park. For about an hour storytelling and music that’s open to all ages.