Single On Valentine's Day
If you’re feeling sad because you know Valentine’s Day is coming and it reminds you that you have nobody to share it with and you’re single. Here’s some advice on how to cope if you’re single on Valentine’s Day.

Love being single. Think of all the things you don’t have to do because you’re single. You don’t have to worry about trying to find the perfect gift or having to spend a lot of money. You also don’t have to worry about he\she cheating or having to deal with unnecessary arguments. Sometimes being alone is good\fun, because people can be annoying.
Treat yourself to nice things. Treat yourself good. Get your hair done, get your nails done, buy you a nice outfit and go to a nice restaurant. Afterwards you can go home make you a nice bubble bath. Relax on the sofa or in the bed and watch a movie.
Go to single outings. There are a few places you could go to if you’re single. There are a couple bars where you could go and chat with other single individuals. You could go and have a great time and maybe find someone who is attractive and get to know them more. You might actually enjoy yourself.
Saving money. 55 percent of people are expected to spend up to $147.84 on gifts. As a nation, Americans will spend $20 Billion. Think about the fact that you don’t have to spend a lot of money on someone just for one day. Trust me you’ll feel a lot better. You can buy those new shoes you always wanted or even buy some new clothes.