Trump – The Man Who Divided A Nation
Donald Trump is, without a doubt, the most controversial president we’ve had in long time. Since his running for the candidacy, he was seen as a joke, especially by these people who decided to support other candidates over him. Since his winning of the election, however, they have changed their opinion and have said that he is doing well for his first few months in office. However, they are the few as many are against the new President and his actions. Even moderate Republicans have become more anti-Trump and gone to work with the democrats against many Trump policies, especially the people he has nominated for cabinet members.
In my personal opinion, I believe that Trump has divided the nation and he is by far, one of the worst presidents we’ve had in terms of keeping the nation together. No other president has divided the nation like he has, especially during the days of the American Civil War which was the biggest division we’ve had in centuries. He even pushes the president’s powers too far as he signed more executive orders than any president in history, believing that he is above Congress and the Supreme Court. Even when the latter tells him that his orders are unconstitutional, he tries to work around it by just creating another executive to replace which he plans on doing for his immigration executive order.

He acts like someone who wants to get whatever he wants and what makes it worse is that most Republicans are just going along with it which makes no sense whatsoever. He doesn’t speak for Republicans, just for his own interests. He says that he wants to bring jobs back to the United States but in just a month he has let one company remove jobs from the US. He says that he wants to work with nations but he alienated SEVEN Muslim Majority countries under the guise that “he’s trying to keep the American people safe.” Well, alienating people who could turn to radical Islam doesn’t make us safe. It just makes even more enemies to kill innocent people. If there was a title for the president who divided the nation, it would be him. And you know what else he would win? The President who fooled everyone into thinking that he actually cares about the American people. And that’s a fact.