School Lunch: My Thoughts
Okay, all members of Eastern Guilford High School, we all can all agree that school lunch is disgusting... right? So, tell me why most students must pay to eat it?

I remember getting five chicken nuggets that are pink in the middle and cold with nasty green beans and milk and that’s disgusting, also I paid $3.00 for it. I think the school needs way better food, especially for that price. We already feel like were in jail enough, staying here from morning till afternoon five days out the week, obeying all adults when some don’t deserve my obedience and we even have an officer… so why would they give us jail food too?
I mean maybe if we had delicious food, kids would want to come to school because everything here is boring, there’s no motivation, ever. I know for a fact this school makes enough money to get Dominos pizza on Fridays and let the kids pay for a slice each, or we could at least have an ice-cream day like, seriously!
Eastern could at least get editable food and up the price or something! The food here makes me sick and we need to fix this somehow. Another problem I would like to address about school lunch is the price of utensils. Please tell me why I had to pay a quarter for a plastic fork? Seriously!? Some kids don’t just carry around money and it seems they
don’t care if you starve or not. Some kids can’t eat at home and then at school get told they can’t eat there either because they have no money. I had no money one day and they took my tray and threw it away in front of my face… like why could I just eat it then? Anyways… its just a thought.