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EGHS students: How do you use water?

Interviewer: Brianna Wright

Interviewee: Leya Young

Q: How long are your showers/ and do you take two a day?

A: “10 minutes, and I take two a day”

Q: Do you run the water while brushing your teeth?

A: “yes”

Q: How many cups of water do you drink a cup

A: “a lot”

Q: How often do you wash your hair?

A: “4 times a month”

Q: How would you feel if you couldn’t?

A: “I would feel dirty”

Interviewer: Brianna Wright

Interviewee: Nick McMullen

Q: How often do you wash your clothes?

A: “Twice a month as a whole”

Q: Do you wait till the water is hot to wash your hands?

A: “No”

Q: Do you take two showers a day?

A: “No, one”

Q: About how many showers does your family take in a day?

A: “Kind of ”

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