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EGHS Wildcats Bring Talents Together For A Great Cause

Want to see some great and entertaining show? Want to support a great cause or charity? Then come out to see some of your fellow wildcats in a great showcase of local talent! On Friday, April 27 the National Honor Society will be sponsoring a talent show in order to raise money for Sickle Cell Anemia research. As one student said, “It’s great that you can enjoy yourself and support a good organization”. Come and be entertained and enjoy yourself!

Sickle Cell Anemia is a disorder in which some red blood cells are abnormally shaped like crescents. This condition can cause blockages in the blood pathways present in the body which in turn leads the victim to endure a lot of pain. There is also a genetic aspect to the disease. If two parents are a carrier of the Sickle Cell trait, then their son or daughter will contract the disease. There are several foundations and coalitions present to gain money for research to find better treatments for the disease and possibly a cure.

Members in the EGHS National Honor Society felt very strongly about this cause and decided to make this project one of the biggest and the last one of the year. The National Honor Society is a service based organization made up of the schools academically elite.

Members are required to preform a certain amount service hours and maintain a 3.5 unweighted GPA in order to keep their membership. All members are very devout to the club and the projects by which they sponsor.

During the show you will experience about 10 acts that will show off their talents from dancing, to magic, to singing, and much more. So come join students and faculty alike at the show on Friday, April 27 at 7:00pm. Tickets are seven dollars and all proceeds go to Sickle Cell Anemia research.

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