Parking on campus and other extreme sports
The class of 2018 could not be happier to be graduates. Not only are they sleeping in cozily next to their diploma, but their fully loaded wallets as well. As for the classes below them?

Not so much. According to The Guilford County Board of Education, $5 parking passes are history. As many of you already know, parking passes have increased to $30. That’s a 25-dollar jump, in one year. That’s not all, either. It appears to be only going up. During the 2019-20 school year, it’ll increase to $40, and the year after that, $50!!
A parking spot decorated by a senior
Although, we must count our blessings. At least we’re not Wake or Forsyth county, where students pay anywhere between $75 and $170 to avoid the bus.
So why the dramatic increase? Angie Henry, the chief financial officer, claims its for safety reasons. What exactly does that mean? Rob the students to buy more cameras. To a degree, this makes sense. On the other hand, why make the students pay? What about the students who can’t afford a $50 parking pass? I guess we can cram them inside the already overflowing busses. That makes sense. Fix a problem, just to make another problem larger.