Toys For Tots
Around this time of the year is when people all over America try their best to donate to children that are unfortunate to get toys from their parents and or guardian. The organization called Toys for Tots make sure kids in need get things for Christmas so that kids feel the Christmas spirit and to have hope in life and to feel like a normal kid as well even though knowing they are unfortunate.

The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is responsible for the day-to-day operations of Marine Toys for Tots. An IRS recognized not-for-profit charity, it serves as the authorized fundraising and support organization for the Toys for Tots Program. The Foundation provides the leadership, funding, and support needed for successful annual toy collection and distribution campaigns. Local toy collection campaigns begin in October and last until mid to late December.
Toy distribution also takes place mid to late December. Members of the community drop new, unwrapped toys in collection boxes positioned in local businesses. Coordinators pick up these toys and store them in central warehouses where the toys are sorted by age and gender. At Christmas, Coordinators, with the assistance of local social welfare agencies, church groups, and other local community agencies, distribute the toys to the less fortunate children of the community.
Over the years, Marines have established close working relationships with social welfare agencies, churches and other local community agencies which are well qualified to identify the needy children in the community and play important roles in the distribution of the toys. In the result of all of this it would be very helpful if people all over the united nations could donate to the kids that are very unfortunate to wake up to toys on Christmas day and make them feel as special as those that are fortunate.