What is the Momo Challenge
What is the Momo challenge? It is a viral game shared on messaging services like WhatsApp that guides young children into violence or to even commit suicide.

Momo is also called the “mother bird“ which was inspired by a Japanese ghost story about a woman who died in childbirth and came back as a bird woman to haunt the place where she perished. It was built in 2016 and made from rubber and natural oils by a Japanese artist named Keisuke. It was located in an alternative art gallery in Tokyo. It went viral when a 12-year-old girl in Argentina took her life and recorded it because of this Momo challenge and other 2 lives were taken away as well in Columbia. Little kids nowadays like to go on YouTube and watch videos, but then weird things started to happen, and kids become scared. Momo would show up on people’s videos and even on videos of Peppa Pig. It started to appear as though Peppa Pig would harm herself.
Sometimes, we as sisters, brothers, or parents have to watch what our youngin's are watching. Nowadays you can’t really keep kids off their phones because all they want to see is their cartoons or their favorite YouTubers. Children could be scared to death, not want to be alone at all, and would want to sleep with their parents. Even some parents got scared too! Now that everybody knows about it, it has to come to a stop with the Momo challenge.
The creator of the “mother bird” had said that “he was glad that his sculpture went viral but he didn’t mean to frighten people with it and he feels responsible for people using his sculpture to harm others or themselves. Eever since that happened the artist came to a point where he had to get rid of his sculpture saying that ”the curse is gone and it doesn’t exist anymore" and that its "children should not be scared anymore".