Is hanging on to a friendship worth it?
A lot of people try to hang on to some friendships either because they’ve been friends for a long time or because they think they’re going to always be down for them.

That’s not the case all the time - sometimes you just need to let a friend go. If you must fake being happy for a friend then it’s not worth a friendship.
For example, if you have a class with a friend and you must fake a smile and a laugh when you’re around them... are you happy to be their friend?
If you’re not genuinely happy for each other when good things happen then let them go. Some friends are truly worth hanging on to but if it gets to the point where you're no longer happy - let it go. An unhappy friendship can start to affect your health. A real friendship has someone you can be yourself around and that you can trust them no matter what happens. I know who my real friends are because when I was at my lowest point they were there for me.
If you ever feel that you’re at the lowest point in life and your “real friends” walk out on you just to come back when you are on your high again, then let them leave and don’t let them back in.
If your friendship feels like a job that you’re not getting paid for than why are you still friends with them? I interviewed some classmates and asked them a couple of questions about the topic.
The first person I interviewed was Nastasia Wright.
Is it worth hanging on to a friendship that makes you feel depressed or frustrated why or why not?
Nastasia: “No because you shouldn’t be surrounded by people who are just going to bring you down and not help you succeed.”
When is it a good time to let a friendship go?
“When you realize they are being toxic and bring down the people around them."
What does a good friend mean to you?
"Someone who will be there for you, wants to see you do well and has your back no matter what.”
Is it worth hanging onto a friendship if it makes you change the why you act why or why not?
“Nope because if I have to change to be your friend then I don’t want you as my friend.”
Are they your real friend if they leave when your down?
“No, your real friends are there for you through your lows and highs.”
Is it a healthy friendship if you agree with everything they say?
“It depends, it’s okay if you have a few disagreements but it shouldn’t be all the time.”
I asked Brianna Wright and Joshua Shepperd the same questions.
“it not a true friendship if it’s making you feel depressed or even frustrated. When the friendship is hurting you more than it’s bringing you happiness. Someone who is always truly there for you through good and bad, they encourage you to do better. No, no one you consider your friend should make you change the way you are. A real friend wouldn’t leave no matter the situation. You shouldn’t agree with everything your friends say, you should have your own input on some situations.” - Brianna Wright
“No friendship that makes you feel that way is worth hanging onto. When they start hurting the ones who love them. A good friend is there for you no matter what going on. it’s not a true friendship if your changing for them. No real friend will leave when your down they will pick you up so if they leave down lets them come back. No relationship is healthy if you agree with everything. -Joshua Shepperd
Hanging on to a toxic friendship is never worth the fight. If one of your friendships feel like this just think about the questions I asked above. I personally feel that no bad friendship is worth hanging onto. Friendships should not be one-sided. Both of you should be happy. Do you think hanging onto every friendship is worth it?