An interview with Ms. McLaughlin
Why is art such a big part in artists lives? When did they realize that art was something they had to made? What made a little kid decide that maybe coloring in a coloring book could turn into something much bigger? Something more than a few purples and blues? It is teacher appreciation month and art teachers where I felt like their jobs don’t get enough respect. The one subject that I feel like is the least appreciated. And I believe that that’s because when some people look at an artist they see someone who isn’t really making “that bread” like a doctor or a football player would make. Which is so true, but art is so slept on. Art shows kids that its fine to be creative and be outgoing and have people think, find a way to be heard and express themselves without feeling judged. Or even opening their mouths to be heard. I decided to interview a old art teacher of mine that I loved the most and the I feels really lets her students expand how their minds and their creative sides. I asked her a total of five questions and here they are.

**The questions that I decided would be a interesting and different turn from just simple questions like, “why do you like art.” Some of the questions was more of me asking like, “why do you think art is such a must have in your lives.” and she had A LOT to say. **
So, Ms. McLaughlin, at what age do you finally decide that art was something important in your life
I got into art hen I was using like home building software. And when I was in high school I took a designing class when I was me sophomore year and then as a junior I practice web design etc. and I went to a collage for creative studies in Detroit where I learned about photography. So, art started a little later when I was like a high-schooler.
Now as an art teacher or an artist yourself, what do you think makes you stand out from other art teachers or from other artists
You know, I like to let my students tell me how they think it difference me from other teachers. But I honestly think that I focus on creativity and remind students that art is about being outside of the box and letting your art reflect on your creative side and free yourself and mind.
And do you think that art is underrated
YES, yes I do. And I say that only because our generation use computers and apple products so much that its to the point where it’s the world now. And we stare at a screen for more then 2 to 19 hours to get every piece of info we want or need. The internet is on such a bigger platform.
Do you believe in the quote, “Every masterpiece has a thousand mistakes”
Yeah, I actually do. That’s a good question by the way, but yes I believe that because in order to make or become a masterpiece and a beautiful piece of work, you HAVE to make mistakes. Like how you look at a piece of art, you don’t look at the art and think, 'oh wow, I wonder how many accident so and so made during this painting.' You just see the after effect on the art and that’s what truly makes it a masterpiece.
In conclusion, everyone can have their own views on art, sometimes someone can see the same thing. I think that art is such a powerful and very like needed thing in life. Because in school even as you get older you're not as creative or that outgoing as you were when you were a kid.